As a community-based lender, CILC strives to provide access to capital to underserved entrepreneurs throughout the state. Below are some of our eligibility requirements.
Your business may be eligible if:
The business is based in Alaska
All owners are Alaskan residents
You cannot qualify for traditional bank financing
You have no open collections or past-due child support
All required licenses, permits, etc. are in place and in good standing.
CILC does not provide small business financing for any of the following purposes:
Check cashing
Investing in public securities, private ventures, or speculative enterprises
Pyramid or networking schemes
Fraternal organizations
Pornography or adult entertainment
Home purchases
Construction or rehab of a home, except for improvements directly related to the establishment or operation of a legitimate and legal in-home business
Liquor stores and alcohol retail
Manufacture or sale of any controlled substance, including cannabis products, and any associated products or merchandise
Gambling, betting, gaming, or any similar activity
Any business engaged in prostitution
Any business devoted to the sale of articles or merchandise normally associated with illegal or unlawful activities
Gun shops, shooting galleries, and firearm ranges
Any use that cannot be reasonably insured from loss or casualty